Email client and "7" is not 7
Windows "7" is better than Vista, but where is an email client? Where is Windows Mail, which came with Vista? Where is Movie Maker?I mean- you have a BS IE, which is just a ____ comparing to Opera or Firefox, but the finest email client you just dropped and what is the worst thing- you cant even download it from anywhere!! You must be out of your mind!! NOW I have a Eudora, another ____ email client. You are losing it. Definatly!! And that Movie Maker was fine too, but I need desperatly a good email client, so please get it back. Windows Mail for Windows 7. At least, that I can download it from your site. I dont need a live mail, I need an offline email. I got live mails enough, I NEED A REALLY "DEAD" ONE and so do millions of others!! Why did MS drop it from Vienna 7? By the way, that 7 is not 7, so why Microsoft calls it that name? Its not the 7:th OS, no matter how hard MS calculates it.
November 10th, 2009 8:48pm

HI PeterArola Welcome to Microsoft TechNet forums if you want windows live mail and movie maker ,windows live messenger ,live photo gallery etc... you need to download it from Microsoft site, in start menu search bar type windows live essentials, hit enter it directly takes you to the link for download and installation process. Hope it helps NIKHIL
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November 10th, 2009 8:57pm

You seem to be under the misconception that the "Live" in Windows Live mail means that it can only connect to online stores. that is not the case. It works just like Windows Mail with minor changes.
November 11th, 2009 1:52am

I dont need a live mail, I need an offline email. I got live mails enough, I NEED A REALLY "DEAD" ONE and so do millions of others!! Windows Live Mail IS an offline email client, in the sense that it downloads your email and stores it on your PC, rather than leaving it elsewhere and requiring you to be online to read or otherwise access previously downloaded messages.That said, I must agree with your complaints regarding the removal of various included features and the requirement to download/install their 'Windows Live' counterparts! Not so much because the customer is now required to download/install the features, rather than having them put in place during the initial default install. But every single 'feature' which has been removed in this way has also been compromised by making it less feature-rich. The Windows Live applications quite frankly do not has as good a feature-set as their counterparts in Windows Vista, and they have now become rather uselless even for many simple tasks.IMO Microsoft have really "dropped the ball" in this respect. Windows Vista allowed us to discontinue using a number of third-party software programs. When we move to Windows 7 we return to a situation where it is more appropriate to install and use third-party programs again for the relevent simple tasks.
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November 11th, 2009 2:30am

By the way, that 7 is not 7, so why Microsoft calls it that name? Its not the 7:th OS, no matter how hard MS calculates it. Quite correct. The reason given for the name is that it's supposedly the seventh release of Windows, but that claim is incorrect. It is neither the 7th release of Windows nor the seventh release of the Windows NT famility of products.
November 11th, 2009 5:12am

Hi, Nikhil Deshpande!!Thanks, but I am furious. I thought those news about "7" without a proper email client are just a bad joke, but no. It was actually true. Whoever made this decision, is either a crash test dummy and/or creedy. Namely- MS Office still has Outlook, right?;)Yes,yes, but there is only that "live" version and I want the old Vista version Windows Mail, that "dead" version, which I can use like a normal program. I dont wanna use this IE for nothing and not even the best browser-Opera for fetching POP3 mails. No I want that old "simple no browser needed" program. Now I have Eudora, but this isnt as good as the Windows Mail. So now MS is forcing people to use third party programs, because MS is like Linux now-just the OS without any usefull programs. What if people start to download illegal copies of that great MS Office? It has that OUTLOOK program, like I said!!No, it helps nothing, since 7 doesnt support WM.Thats whatIve heard. And whats worse, this is otherwise the best OS what I have tried. @Jens: "You seem to be under the misconception that the "Live" in Windows Live mail means that it can only connect to online stores. that is not the case. It works just like Windows Mail with minor changes."No, I dont mean that. I mean, it requires a browser. That means IE, which is worst choice for a browser. I have tons of "live" browser demand online webmail accouts, so I dont need a another one.@Techwrighter:Windows Live Mail IS an offline email client, in the sense that it downloads your email and stores it on your PC, rather than leaving it elsewhere and requiring you to be online to read or otherwise access previously downloaded messages.Yeah, but I dont need anything LIVE here. I have f.e. Gmail and its very live and its awesome, but I need a simple "dead" offline program to use, which just fetches my POP3 email from the ISP without a browser. And which is so integrated into OS, that it announces(in the toolbar), when I have new mail like Windows Mail did. OK? Is that WLM that kind of a program which requires no browser in order to work? No, I dont think so, so its faraway from any real decent POP3email client.Right?
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November 11th, 2009 5:29am

@Techwrighter:Windows Live Mail IS an offline email client, in the sense that it downloads your email and stores it on your PC, rather than leaving it elsewhere and requiring you to be online to read or otherwise access previously downloaded messages.Yeah, but I dont need anything LIVE here. I have f.e. Gmail and its very live and its awesome, but I need a simple "dead" offline program to use, which just fetches my POP3 email from the ISP without a browser. And which is so integrated into OS, that it announces(in the toolbar), when I have new mail like Windows Mail did. OK? Is that WLM that kind of a program which requires no browser in order to work? No, I dont think so, so its faraway from any real decent POP3email client.Right? Wrong. Methinks you are confusing 'Windows Live Hotmail' with 'Windows Live Mail'.Please read:
November 11th, 2009 6:02am

By the way, that 7 is not 7, so why Microsoft calls it that name? Its not the 7:th OS, no matter how hard MS calculates it. Quite correct. The reason given for the name is that it's supposedly the seventh release of Windows, but that claim is incorrect. It is neither the 7th release of Windows nor the seventh release of the Windows NT famility of products. It is, however, the next logical versioning step in the NT version chain (with . Version 1 & 2 probably did exist, but potentially never made it to the public? I'm not that old!NT3.51, NT4,Win2k(5.0), WinXP(5.1),Vista(6), Win7(6.1?!)Interestingly enough though - the build version of Windows7 RTMis 6.1.7600! Completely off topic however.The Windows Live suite of software is a great addition to Windows 7 and plugs the holes mentioned by the original poster above. This suite can be downloaded from
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November 11th, 2009 6:26am

OK, Ill give it a try..."It is, however, the next logical versioning step in the NT version chain (with . Version 1 & 2 probably did exist, but potentially never made it to the public? I'm not that old!NT3.51, NT4,Win2k(5.0), WinXP(5.1),Vista(6), Win7(6.1?!)Interestingly enough though - the build version of Windows7 RTMis 6.1.7600! Completely off topic however."Yes, but why XP, Vista and NOW 7 ?!! If numbers are the ones to use, why not use them all the way? Now this "7" is either 8:th or 6:th, if I buy YOUR explanation, so why 7? It should have been8 or Vienna, a true place to find in US and in Europe. Is the next one...8 or 9? Or 2012...?;)
November 11th, 2009 7:05am

HI The decision to use the name Windows 7 is about simplicity.Over the years, Microsoft have taken different approaches to naming Windows, and have used version numbers like Windows 3.11, or dates like Windows 98, or "aspirational" monikers like Windows XP or Windows Vista. And since Microsoft do not ship new versions of Windows every year, using a date did not make sense. Likewise, coming up with an all-new "aspirational" name does not do justice to what we are trying to achieve, which is to stay firmly rooted in our aspirations for Windows Vista, while evolving and refining the substantial investments in platform technology in Windows Vista into the next generation of Windows. Simply put, this is the seventh release of Windows, so therefore "Windows 7" just makes sense. We do not know about the next one but 7 is better than old one..
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November 11th, 2009 7:21am

if you want the live package Vote if answered or helpful, I am running for Office (joke)! IT/Developer, Windows/Linux/Mainframe Server: P4-2GHz, Linux Server, need IDE/SATA disks for my chess site Workstation: Asus M2NBP-VM CSM, Athlon64 X2 4200+ 65W CPU, 2GB RAM, NVIDIA 8600GT, 320GB + 160G backup, Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
November 11th, 2009 7:27am

Hi PeterArola, As mentioned in the previous posts, some programs that were included in Windows Vista and Windows XP aren't included in Windows 7. You can install similar products from other companies, or you can use Windows Live Essentials, a set of free programs you download and install on your computer running Windows 7. For more information about this, please refer to this article: Email, calendar, photo, and video programs for Windows 7. Windows Live Mail is similar to both Outlook Express and Windows Mail. I think it will meet your needs since it can read and reply to e-mail messages even if you're offline. Then, sync your accounts the next time you connect to the Internet. Have a try! Sincerely, Linda
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November 11th, 2009 9:42am

Hi PeterArola, As mentioned in the previous posts, some programs that were included in Windows Vista and Windows XP aren't included in Windows 7. You can install similar products from other companies, or you can use Windows Live Essentials , a set of free programs you download and install on your computer running Windows 7. For more information about this, please refer to this article: E mail, calendar, photo, and video programs for Windows 7 . Windows Live Mail is similar to both Outlook Express and Windows Mail. I think it will meet your needs since it can read and reply to e-mail messages even if you're offline. Then, sync your accounts the next time you connect to the Internet. Have a try! Sincerely, Linda I posted a direct link for the Live programs already. See above.Vote if answered or helpful, I am running for Office (joke)! IT/Developer, Windows/Linux/Mainframe Server: P4-2GHz, Linux Server, need IDE/SATA disks for my chess site Workstation: Asus M2NBP-VM CSM, Athlon64 X2 4200+ 65W CPU, 2GB RAM, NVIDIA 8600GT, 320GB + 160G backup, Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
November 12th, 2009 6:39am

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